October 11, 2011

A year of Gratitude: Day 1

Things I am thankful for today:

1. Picnics in the park with my man on this Indian Summer Canadian-Thanksgiving weekend.  Turkey sandwich on fresh baguette, mango slices, potato chips and pickles.  Sparkling water, cuddling and ants.  Perfectly lovely in every way.

2. Crunchy leaves underfoot.

3. The spice of fall tickling my nose.

4. Buckwheat porridge with nectarine, sesame seeds, cashews, maple syrup and milk.  Best if eaten on the balcony in your PJs.  Just saying.

5.   Meditation helper

6.  Fidelity Jeans (bought on discount!).  Seriously the most comfortable pair of pants I have ever owned.  I want to sleep in them, even.

7.  Nutmeg and Honey Ice cream via Seven Spoons.  The best ice cream I have made, to-date.

8.  Mad Men

9.  Foaming milk using my immersion blender.

10.  My grandma is doing awesome after her knee surgery!  

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